Here you will find our latest news and updates from The Link Community including information about whats going on within the Stradbroke community and surrounding areas.
Foodworks Pop Up Market
Foodworks pop up market has soon become a firm favourite to local residents as they provide low cost food with an exceptionally friendly service 🙂 [...]
Coffee Morning
Smiles all around at our weekly Coffee morning session 🙂
Sheffield University Interns
After a whistle stop tour around our community with interns from The Uni of Sheffield. We are all looking forward to working together here at The Link and [...]
Confidence Building Workshop
Congratulations to everyone who completed the Confidence Building Workshops today. Thank you Elaine everyone really enjoyed the course and are looking forward to the next one 🙂 [...]
Easter Bunny 2024
Lots of Children and adults enjoyed our annual visit from our friend the Easter Bunny. Thanks to all the organisations, local buisnesses and people that donated Easter eggs [...]
Coffee Mornings at The Space
Lots of smiles and laughs at our weekly Coffe morning sessions at The Space 🙂